Hijabers Community: How Did We Start?

Hijabers Community was founded on November, 27th, 2010 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Around 30 women from different backgrounds and professions were gathered together to share their visions to form a community that insyaAllah will accommodate events related to hijab and muslimah. From fashion to islamic studies, from hijab style to learning Islam, anything that will make us a better muslimah insyaAllah. And it is hoped through this community, every muslimah can meet new friends, get to know each other and learn from each other.

Hi there! How are you doing? We hope this message reaches you in the highest iman and in good health inshaAllah. And may all of us always in Allah’s mercy and protection. Amien. :) First of all, we want to greet and welcome all hijabers around the world to this new blog. Hello and welcome! ;)

This community may be based in Jakarta - Indonesia and the events are conducted in Indonesia. However, we aim to update every event in this blog so those of you who cannot attend or lives overseas can have a peek and get to know what we've been up to ;)

How did we start? Right, the initial idea of establishing the community was actually coming from Ria Miranda, Dian Pelangi, and Jenahara Nasution. These three amazing muslimah invited their friends and tried sharing the idea to the floor. Alhamdulillah everyone responded it very well and very excited. It turned out all the invited muslimah shared the same visions and missions.

They are Adritia Pratami, Noria Hasibuan, Puput Utami, Fatimah Rommy, Tantri Havid, Annisa Fathiya, Dian Ayu, Nabilla Ayumi, Putri Astrinia, Nauli Alamsyah, Restu Anggraini, Sendy Monarchi, Hanna Faridl, Lulu Luthfiyah, Nalia Rifika, Fifi Alvianto, Ghaida Tsurayya, Inna Rovi, Nadya Agusyana, Ola Fadly, Wulandari Sofwan, Febby Pramitha, Eugenne Effects, Fitri Aulia Hamdy, and Kara Rahmamitya.

These young muslimah came from different backgrounds, and professions, some of them even live abroad or outside Jakarta. But for this special moment, they are willing to step aside from their daily routine and join the first meeting of Hijabers Community.

Anyways, we also wanna share some pictures during the meeting which was taken at Tia’s House. We were having a potluck event where everyone brought their own food. Alhamdulillah!

Some of us may have met before but some haven't. Nonetheless, the gathering was full of fun, everyone got along very easily and happily. We just could not wait meeting more new friends and would gladly welcome you all to join our community. That’s for sure! Sounds great isn’t it? :D
Tia - Tantri - Febby - Puput - Restu - Wulan - Fitri - Nadya - Ola - Sendy - Icha - Inna - Dian - Fika -Ria

 Psstt, wanna see some candid pictures of our meeting? Here they are.. :D

 ..we look so serious at that time..

So, that’s it for now. We hope we could share more updates to you all very soon ;) 

Hijabers Community

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